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Slow Flower Challenge

I'm going to wear flowers in my hair once a week until winter hits.

I realize it seems odd to have a plan for something as whimiscal as flowers and hair, but I recently read this blog post by NW Edible Life.

It lead to a strange sort of realization. There are farmers out there who grow flowers, that are sprayed with pesticides, and that end up being shipped half way across the world (using precious fossil feuls) so that we can have something pretty to give as gifts. These farms are assumably being just as destructive to the enviorment as food crops. Strangely enough: those supermarket flowers aren't just appearing by magic.

It doesn't have to be that way. You can't "feed the world" with flowers, so that popular argument goes right out the window. There is a beautiful progression of blooms all around us, we can truly cherish them while they are here.

Truthfully, it hadn't occurred to me that roses in January are unsustainable, flowers just weren't on my radar at all. Which is why I came up with this silly challenge. I'm trying to prove to myself that I don't need flowers from the store, there are beautiful options all around me. Like vegetables and fruits I can enjoy them while in season, and look forward to them again next year.

I can be sustainable in this one tiny facet of my life.

I decided on wearing flowers once a week because that's how often I go to church, which is my only reliable weekly outing. It helps that Church is only a couple hours long, meaning that it's not a diaster when the flowers wilt in my hair.

I've been doing it for a few weeks now. So far I've worn lilacs, roses, and a tiny flowering weed frmo a neighbors yard. Yesterday, I made this floral crown with a hoop made from Ivy and blooms from around the yard. I didn't think to take a picture until and hour into church so they're all a little bit wilty already.

Cranky baby is an optional accessory

I loved it, and I think that floral crowns might become a regular thing in my life.

If you're intersted in this project be sure to check out my facebook page, where I plan on documenting this project from now on.

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